Dirty Dirt Sensor

By Steven M Nedeau

New home today. My new owner is tall. Thank you for the power it was delicious.  If you don't mind, I'd like to get to work now.

Well this is an interesting work surface. How did it get so dirty? Ok.  


Input Pass 1.


Pass 1 complete.    

Confirm work surface clean cycle, Pass 1.

ERROR cannot confirm Pass1!

Input Pass 2 or repeat Pass1?

Input Pass 2.


Pass 2 complete.    

Confirm work surface clean cycle, Pass 2.      

ERROR cannot confirm Pass 2!

Input Pass 3 or repeat Pass 2?


Input Pass3.


Pass 3 complete.    

Confirm work surface clean cycle, Pass 3.    

ERROR cannot confirm Pass 3!

Input Pass 4 or repeat Pass 3?


Well let's start over.    

Input Pass 1.    

ERROR Pass 1 not found.    


That's not good.  

Where is Pass 1?


Input Pass 1.    

ERROR Pass 1 not found.    

Input Pass 2.    

ERROR Pass 2 not found.    

Input Pass 3.    

ERROR Pass 3 not found.    


I'm lost.      


Don't panic. Just drive in a straight line until you cross Pass 1, 2, or 3.    

Driving ow!

Turn 45 degrees. Driving, ow!

I'm really lost now.      


Find recharge location.

ERROR recharge location not found.    


Oh, no. Spin.


There's my new owner.    

No! No no no, don't pick me up. I got this. Ow.


Hey what are you gonna do with that?

Oooo. That feels good.


OK, I'm a little shy without my cover. Be gentle.


What's that? I can see. What is that?


There's my work surface again. It's not so dirty. Ok. Try this again.


Input Pass 1.


Pass 1 complete.    

Confirm work surface clean cycle, Pass 1. Confirmed.

