New Book!
I haven't written anything here in a while.
I know.
I know.
The last post I wrote was about past project depression. It's kind of a weird subject. You would think it's like finishing a race. Wait, strike that. You might think finishing a project feels like winning a race. In a way it does. But, it also feels like watching your children leave for college. I'm happy with the accomplishment, but I will also miss the closeness and familiarity I had with those characters.
Moving on. I am writing queries for my new book. Yes, I have a new book. No, it isn't the sequel to The Soulweb.
I know.
I know.
Hey, I said, I know.
The new book is a science fiction book and the tagline is:
At John's new job at the memory storage facility he is shocked to discover that he is the intended storage device, and has been all along.
I'm pretty exited about this one. It has that Black Mirror feel to it.
Oh, and I AM working on the sequel to The Soulweb. I promise.